Keep Calm and RR DIFF LOCK v2
Version 2 of the original "KC&RDL" patch
The origin of this patch is pretty much self explanatory if you are a serious off roading enthusiast. You can get pretty far on 4WH. You can get further on 4WL. Once you get to the extent of your 4WL travels, unless you have a locker or a winch, you're not going to make much progress.
The design is inspired by the E-locker button in 4Runners, Tacomas and FJs. You don't *have* to have a rear locking diff to enjoy this patch. But it helps.
Limited Edition, 90 of 100 available.
2"W x 3"T, woven patch with merrow edge.
Hook backing & cover.
No order limits.
(note: v1 was the same size and design basically but had a white merrowed edge which wasn't as well done and no inner white line. Also v1 had no loop cover so there were some patches that the merrowing got messed up on and couldn't be sold)